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      Our Technology

      CBx Buyer Profile

      Effective, well-designed marketing strategies are geared towards reaching the right audience.

      Through Coldwell Banker’s exclusive CBx Buyer Profile tool, big data including median age, average family size, median mortgage debt and other relevant information is thoroughly analyzed, helping sellers find the right buyers for their home.

      CB Connect

      TMG Homes showcases your home to potential buyers by utilizing the CB

      Connect mobile tool, which is designed to deliver property information directly into a buyer’s smart phone or mobile device. Here’s a quick look at how the CB Connect tool works:

      • A potential buyer calls a toll-free number displayed on your “For Sale” sign.
      • The buyer inputs the property code.
      • Photos, videos, and virtual tours are delivered via text messaging.
      • We receive a text message and email with information on how to get in touch with the interested buyer.


      Having your property displayed in the most number of websites is just one part of the equation. Responding to potential leads from interested buyers in a timely manner is just as important.

      Our innovative InTouch technology makes sure that no inquiries from potential buyers are missed. Here’s how it works:

      • A buyer views your online listing.
      • They want to schedule a showing or request additional information through the website.
      • Your agent receives an alert, allowing them to respond to the interested buyer immediately.

      Coldwell Banker Smart Home

      Smart home technology is one of the most sought-after features today. 60% of buyers say they’re willing to pay more for homes equipped with smart home features. Additionally, homes with smart home technology sell faster compared to those without – smart homes on coldwellbanker.com receive twice the amount of conversions than similar homes without smart features.

      Through our Smart Home Staging Kit, we give sellers an easy and affordable way to upgrade to a smart home.

      Our Online Impact

      Your home will appear on more than 700 websites, including the most-visited real estate websites across the globe, giving you a wider reach and better opportunities to attract potential buyers from all over the world. Our comprehensive online marketing strategy includes displaying your home alongside in-depth descriptions and high-resolution photos on the most popular online real estate resources.

      In addition, TMG Homes and Coldwell Banker’s far-reaching social media presence is designed to engage and connect with today’s tech-savvy home buyers, with over 500,000 followers across all major social media platforms including:

      • Facebook
      • Twitter
      • YouTube
      • Instagram
      • Pinterest

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